Isola Augusta has always paid special attention to the environment and, over time, has adopted numerous measures to produce wine while upholding an ecological and sustainable policy through the use of renewable and environmentally friendly energy sources. Everything starts with managing the vineyard, using “low environmental impact” systems, regulated by European Law (Regulation EEC 2078/92). The systemic chemical treatments have been almost entirely replaced by more environmentally friendly products, which have been deemed to have less impact on the environment and grapes themselves. These products are used in very low quantities thanks to the use of a vaporiser. Continually working the land makes it possible to bring the use of herbicides down to a bare minimum. Gathering perfectly healthy grapes, we are also able to use very few sulphites to preserve the wine. We feel that we interpret in the best possible way any suggestions on producing healthy and natural wine, using the technology currently available on the market. Since 1990, the whole facility has been heated naturally using geothermal energy: an apporximately 450 meter deep well makes thermal water rise to the surface at a temperature of 32.5°, which circulates through all buildings using a floor heating system. In the early 2000s, the company achieved energy self-sufficiency by installing 3 photovoltaic systems producing a total of 100 Kw. In 2013, the first private column in the region for charging electric vehicles was also inaugurated: on request, anyone can recharge their vehicle for free. All this with zero emissions.